Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Put Them in a Tea Cup!

These Tea Cup Pigs are amazingly cute! Don't you just want one of these cute little adorable piggys! I know i want one! Apparantly they have become like a fashion statement in England, a lot of Celebrities have them as pets and acessories and the trend is growing. The prices range from $1100 - $1700 depending on where you get them. It seems there are not many breeders around, so when the demand is high and the supply is low the cost goes sky rocking high!

Teacup pigs are also known as mini, micro and teacup potbelly pigs. They are said to grow to maximum 30 to 50 lbs compared to potbelly pig which close 150 to 500 lbs. Their height is about the height of a cocker spaniel dog. These pigs can live a lifespan of 15 to 20 years old. There care and maintenance is the same as a dog. These pigs lend themselves to apartment living and city life. They do need walks on leash and are litter box trained in matter of days. These teacup pigs are very intelligent and affectionate. Farmers that raise these pigs boast their intelligence rivals that of dogs.

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